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Policia buscana hispano de Toronto

La policia de Toronto nos ha enviado esta informacion para ser dibulgada entre la comunidad,  Si sabes del paradero de esta persona informar a la policia 416-222-TIPS (8477), online at www.222tips.com.

Juan Moran, de 45 años de edad.  [ Sexual assault ]




Sexual Assault Alert,
Man arrested in historic Sexual Assault investigation,
Juan Moran, 45, facing 15 charges,
Photograph released,
Police believe there may be other victims

Broadcast time: 13:21
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

23 Division

The Toronto Police Service would like to make the public aware of a historic Sexual Assault investigation.

It is alleged that:

– from 1990 to 2010, a man sexually assaulted girls and women in the Toronto area

– the victims were between five and 35 at the time of the assaults

On Saturday, March 30, 2013, Juan Moran, then-45, of Toronto, was arrested. He was charged with:

1) Seven counts of Sexual Assault
2) Five counts of Sexual Interference
3) Sexual Exploitation
4) Invitation to Sexual Touching
5) Forcible Confinement

Recent developments in the investigation have led police to believe there may be other victims. It was also reported that drugs may have been used to carry out one of the sexual assaults.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 416-808-2300, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-TIPS (8477), online at www.222tips.com, text TOR and your message to CRIMES (274637), or Leave A Tip on Facebook.

A sexual assault is any form of unwanted sexual contact. It includes, but is not limited to, kissing, grabbing, oral sex and penetration. To learn more about sexual assault, including how to report a sexual assault, please visit our Sex Crimes website.

For more news, visit TPSnews.ca.

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Mi pasión es conectar nuestra gente, nuestra comunidad Dominicana en Toronto, Anhelo representar al joven que dejo todo para recomenzar y servirles de inspiración, información nos une, unidad nos hace más fuertes!

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